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The Crewe


El Sa'id (El-Sid) Elkar Ben Yusef Pasha: North African Tribel leader of the YAZ and the Barbary Corsairs of the Crimson Coast , Quarermaster of the Redempion!


Smee:   Former French Marine. Currently Master Gunner of the Redemption!


Wicked Jim: First Mate for The Redemption. The bastard son of a bastard son who went to sleep in a pig crate for warmth and woke up aboard ship. Been there ever since.


Jack Fletcher: Captain of the Redemption former navigator and privateer turned pirate.


Grace Middleton: English born, ran away to escape a marriage, ended up in Morocco. Cook for The Redemption, and ship's purser.


Iya Shareek Hayaat Sa'id: Wife of El Sa'id, Born in Morocco as a slave. Rescued by El Sa'id.


Isabel Van Naaister: seamstress, knitter, spinner.


Basil Ben Yusef: Son of El Sa'id and Iya.

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