Eastern Ohio & Western Pennsylvania's Historical Colonial Maritime Piracy Reenactors
"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labour. In this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst is only a sour look or two at choking? No, a merry life and a short one shall be my motto."
Bartholomew Roberts
The Crewe
El Sa'id (El-Sid) Elkar Ben Yusef Pasha: North African Tribel leader of the YAZ and the Barbary Corsairs of the Crimson Coast , Quarermaster of the Redempion!
Smee: Former French Marine. Currently Master Gunner of the Redemption!
Wicked Jim: First Mate for The Redemption. The bastard son of a bastard son who went to sleep in a pig crate for warmth and woke up aboard ship. Been there ever since.
Jack Fletcher: Captain of the Redemption former navigator and privateer turned pirate.
Grace Middleton: English born, ran away to escape a marriage, ended up in Morocco. Cook for The Redemption, and ship's purser.
Iya Shareek Hayaat Sa'id: Wife of El Sa'id, Born in Morocco as a slave. Rescued by El Sa'id.
Isabel Van Naaister: seamstress, knitter, spinner.
Basil Ben Yusef: Son of El Sa'id and Iya.